Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When things go bad....

Inna lillahi wa inna Ilaihi raji'un...

A friend had just passed away. I knew about it two days after from another friend of mine. He was not a close friend but he had worked in the same office but in a different unit. He was hardworking, dedicated and full of energy. But working in HQ did not seem to suit him so he asked for a transfer. He was back to his old place, working with those who knew him well.

He was only 49, married with four kids, the youngest is just four years old. That was the extra information I get from another friend.

"How did he die?"

"He went with a friend for a morning coffee. He complained of chest pains and collapsed. Maybe he had a seizure or something like that. They sent him to hospital...well, that's it..."

A heart failure. Quite common these days.

"Life will have to go on...." I said.


Yesterday I heard some bad news too. One of my neighbor had been warded in ICU.

I hope he make it through.

Now I feel that I should go for full medical check-up again.


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