Thursday, October 22, 2009

When women gossip....

One of my colleague, Az asked one day, after we had finished our lunch.

"Is it true what I heard someone said...."

I knew she genuinely asked for an explanation not a denial from me.
I stared back at. I was just sitting there reading some nasty, horrible juicy news in a paper, a tabloid.

"What is true and what did you hear?" I retorted.

"Ooh...something about you..."

"Who said what?" I asked again.

She blushed, trying to look innocent. "From S*****. During the recent seminar....she said... I just listen."

Feeling angry, I snapped at her. "Oh that's what you people do during seminars? Gossiping? You never listen to what is being discussed in the seminar?"

She was taken aback at mt response. "I just listen to what she said...." she kind of retaliate...

"Goodness you people had nothing better to do?" I said slowly.

Az did not answer. She said she is sorry.

"There are a lot of other things to do, instead of gossiping, telling all sorts of stories. In the end we don't know what is true and what is not. They are better kept aside." I said.

Az agreed.

"Why don't we talk about how good someone's children are, how could we emulate them."

Az was quiet. I did not know whether she agreed with me or not. The question was left unanswered. I chose not to enlighten her query. I knew it will eventually travel very far.....far beyond your imagination. I let it rest at that and I never really care to react.

I was relieved that I had had my lunch. That kind of thing sure kill my appetite.....

I am a woman and I do not like to hear negative things about another woman. So I hope the others do....if you happen to hear some gossips(which of course, not necessarily true....) for God's sake never tell others even though she is your best friend....

You don't know what happen next....

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