Monday, November 16, 2009

versus versus

When political view clashes, does it tear the relationship as well? I would not sacrifice mine. Nobody is perfect. Arguments can lead nowhere. It would only jeopardize friendship or whatever it is. Sometimes it is best to leave them aside.

Well.....somebody would say that I don't stand by my principles....Let them be, 'cos it will lead to another argument. I hated arguments especially with the love ones. It will only made myself feel worst inside. The I would just silently pray that the truth will be unfold.

Politic is not everything in this world. There are other things equally important if not more important. I would not trade anything if it involves my faith, my belief and my religion.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help. Keep us on the right path. The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

There's a place in my mind.....

There is a place in my mind that I had always want to go. And maybe stay for a few weeks. Dublin. I planned to go last July but I couldn't make it. I hope I can go next year.

In the spring of 2010.

I just hope and pray.......

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cymbopogon nardus

I didn't feel good lately. Not exactly 'demam' but kind of feeling lethargic. Then I remembered my Cymbopogon nardus which I cut from the bunch that my hubby wanted to replant. It was almost dried up, maybe the fragrant almost gone. I boiled them in my large pot. The aroma filled my house.

"What are you doing?" my mum asked.


"Smells like air mandi orang dalam pantang..."

Hehehe...I laughed.

Then I took my bath. Ooo I felt so good after the bath. It helped boost my down and out feeling.
Maybe I should do that more often rather than spending my money on spa.....


Friday, October 30, 2009

Never too late

I received a postcard. A cute one from Tunisia written Tunisie....(maybe that's how Tunisians pronounced it), with small great photos in it. Most probably displaying some of the interesting things about Tunisia.

I was not surprised when I received the postcard. As usual it was adressed to MAK & FAMILY. Sounds Chinese...? Well...let it be. I am the "Mak"....She usually sends one postcard whenever she went somewhere. I will keep them in an album as a memoir.

What instantly strikes my mind is why did the postcard came so late. A month late judging by the postal chop. Was it the postal blunder, backlog or.....or is email and internet has taken over the job of relaying news. While I do not deny the efficiency of the internet, I will always feel very nice and happy whenever I received a mail, a postcard with good news of course...!

I personally feel that postcards is are things of the past since they are hard to find and they are not up to date. I remembered the difficulty of finding one when I went to Thailand. When they are one of the usual things in bookstalls, they are scarce now.

I still like to see them even if they are a little expensive now. And I will buy them whenever I came across them in some of my travel.

By the way thank you for the Tunisie postcard. A nice one.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just wish that it had never happened........

At a gathering in one of the neighbor's house there were a lot of hush hush. Since I normally avoid gossips, this one was really new to me.

"What? You really don't know?" asked one.

I shrugged. Yes....I don't know. Is this the latest gossip?

"You don't read the papers?"

Again. Oh I hate to read the papers nowadays. Full of rubbish. They're all
only good for the paper lama man....

"No wonder...."

Well......... I do not mind not knowing the latest gossip. I'd prefer not to know if it isn't something nice to hear.

" happened about 2 weeks ago...bla...bla...bla..."

Oh...oh... how I was glad not to know.....but since now I knew, I feel saddened by the incident.

I don't know whether to feel sorry or angry....

Friday, October 23, 2009


When I decided to blog about two years ago I was not sure what I would get. Someone told to go on and write something, nobody cares as long as you do not abuse the principles of blogging.
Nobody really knows who you are unless you want to make yourself known....

Oooh? I never want to be popular. That is not what I want. I thought I want to share something, maybe some knowledge. So I end up with this Kaleidoscope. Sounds jargon? was just a name that I remembered when my class decided to publish something. It was named Kaleidoscope. Then we worked hard to produce our first publication. Almost everybody contributed. Alas....that was the only more 'cos after that everybody became busy with school, homeworks, and eventually our major exams. I never really stop writing, not professionally though....most left unfinished. Some I did sent to my college's weekly tabloid. It was fun when you write under pseudoname......

So Kaleidoscope to me never die a premature death. It is here with me....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

When women gossip....

One of my colleague, Az asked one day, after we had finished our lunch.

"Is it true what I heard someone said...."

I knew she genuinely asked for an explanation not a denial from me.
I stared back at. I was just sitting there reading some nasty, horrible juicy news in a paper, a tabloid.

"What is true and what did you hear?" I retorted.

"Ooh...something about you..."

"Who said what?" I asked again.

She blushed, trying to look innocent. "From S*****. During the recent seminar....she said... I just listen."

Feeling angry, I snapped at her. "Oh that's what you people do during seminars? Gossiping? You never listen to what is being discussed in the seminar?"

She was taken aback at mt response. "I just listen to what she said...." she kind of retaliate...

"Goodness you people had nothing better to do?" I said slowly.

Az did not answer. She said she is sorry.

"There are a lot of other things to do, instead of gossiping, telling all sorts of stories. In the end we don't know what is true and what is not. They are better kept aside." I said.

Az agreed.

"Why don't we talk about how good someone's children are, how could we emulate them."

Az was quiet. I did not know whether she agreed with me or not. The question was left unanswered. I chose not to enlighten her query. I knew it will eventually travel very far.....far beyond your imagination. I let it rest at that and I never really care to react.

I was relieved that I had had my lunch. That kind of thing sure kill my appetite.....

I am a woman and I do not like to hear negative things about another woman. So I hope the others do....if you happen to hear some gossips(which of course, not necessarily true....) for God's sake never tell others even though she is your best friend....

You don't know what happen next....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When things go bad....

Inna lillahi wa inna Ilaihi raji'un...

A friend had just passed away. I knew about it two days after from another friend of mine. He was not a close friend but he had worked in the same office but in a different unit. He was hardworking, dedicated and full of energy. But working in HQ did not seem to suit him so he asked for a transfer. He was back to his old place, working with those who knew him well.

He was only 49, married with four kids, the youngest is just four years old. That was the extra information I get from another friend.

"How did he die?"

"He went with a friend for a morning coffee. He complained of chest pains and collapsed. Maybe he had a seizure or something like that. They sent him to hospital...well, that's it..."

A heart failure. Quite common these days.

"Life will have to go on...." I said.


Yesterday I heard some bad news too. One of my neighbor had been warded in ICU.

I hope he make it through.

Now I feel that I should go for full medical check-up again.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

My friend...a friend in need is a friend indeed....

"It never occur to me ....that such thing could ever happen to me..." Often I hear a statement like that.
Well...who does? It is always the least expected. But it did happen.

"He is cheating behind my back..."
Most certainly....obviously....nobody will cheat in front of you. Somehow someone who cheats will always try not to let others know...

I remember that day.......

It was hot afternoon and it was Ramadhan. I was driving alone... cruising at just about 30 - 40 km/hr, looking for her. I had been doing that for weeks, almost a month now. I knew I could finally meet up with her one day. God willing....

I had been passing through the same rows of the same houses repeatedly day in day out. I just did not know where to go any more. The neighborhood seemed quite, perhaps they took their afternoon nap....or mostly might be still at work.

But that did not dampen my spirit.

I kept searching for her. I must not gave up hope. I only knew her name, her house but I had almost forgotten how she look like. Truly, I met her once. Yes, only once and that was a year ago.
no contact number, I did not feel it was necessary back then.

A few days earlier I went to her new temporarily rented house but it was empty. I didn't know whether it was her house...but she lived around there. No car in the driveway. All I got was some curious stares from her neighbors. I gave them a smile, get back to my old sedan and drove off.

That day was one of my lucky day. As I passed by her own house which was under major renovation, I saw a car. I thought it must be her car. I stopped and parked my car under a small tree quite a distance away. As I walked towards the house, I saw a woman coming out of the wide open gate and was about to unlock her car door.

"Amy...." I called out.

She startled and looked into my direction.



"Oh thank God..." What a relief....

"Who are you....?"

I extended my hand. "We have met before...I don't know whether you remember me. I have been looking for you..." I said, ignoring her question. "Let's go somewhere. I want to talk to you....."

And I told her everything....just about everything.

"I don't care whether you believe me or not. But I believe in what I saw..." I sighed, holding back my tears. I remembered, it was the holy month. I should not be crying.

She looked dejected....sad and angry.

That was the beginning of a friendship and sharing the misfortune and agony. Many, many years had passed....the ugly feeling is still there, haunting me.

I know. I feel awful.


Monday, September 28, 2009

terkenang kenang..

Rasanya dah lama aku memblog di sini secara serius.....Oleh kerana sekejap ada sekejap aku ni jadi tak advance...tawar hambar macam lauk tak bergaram...Well, I don't expect anything from this though....features di sini pun aku tak berapa mahir...hehehe....ini kerana percubaan aku nak upload foto satu masa dulu I give up....Maybe I shouldn't give up too soon....or maybe I should find some other place to blabber....maybe I should stick to MP...even though MP has better features...but I still feel that feeling of loss....I miss something there...or someone? perhaps...
So I think I am the problem. I suffer from writer's bad aarr....

Never mind about that bloc....

Hari ini dah lebih seminggu berhariraya. Hari raya yang macam tak raya bagi aku. Penatnya tak usah cerita......dari mula nak bersiap raya...bab baju raya....bukan baju raya sendiri....yang itu aku tak kisah...nak fikirkan nak masak apa untuk hidangan pagi raya...lintang pukang kalut...
Meriahkah itu?

Macam mana orang kata meriahnya hari raya? Sebab banyak makanan, banyak open house, jumpa ramai orang, kawan, saudara mara? Dengar lagu-lagu raya...tengok cerita pasal raya...Itukah meriah?

Aku rasa aku sering juga berjumpa saudara mara....Kalau pada hari biasa orang yang sama itulah yang aku jumpa....hariraya pun orang itu juga yang dijengah. Kali ini aku terasa agak happy pada malam raya kerana ke rumah jiran, sama-sama bertakbir raya...

Allahu akbar...
Allahu akbar...
wa lillahilkhamd...

Sejak beberapa tahun ke belakang ini hari raya bukan sesuatu yang aku nantikan.....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

kita yang selalu lupa

Kadang-kadang kita lupa. Lupa tentang banyak perkara. Lupa juga menandakan semakin banyak perkara yang kita perlu ingat. Ada kalanya lebih baik lupa, jika ianya sesuatu yang membuat kita amat sedih atau kecewa.
Namun jika ianya untuk kebaikan diri di masa akan datang, terutama yang melibatkan kesempurnaan akhirat yang kita cari, adalah lebih baik kita ingat.

Perkara yang amat mudah....

kita lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ibu atau ayah kerana pengorbanan dan kasih sayang mereka...
kita lupa memohon ampun dan maaf atau memaafkan sebelum kita tidur....mana tahu kita tidak bangun lagi esok pagi...

kita lupa bahawa segala nikmat kesenangan yang kita perolehi itu bukannya atas usaha kita semata-mata...

Untuk menjadi seperti satu pohon yang sihat, rimbun dan mempunyai buah yang manis dan enak dimakan kita perlu mempunyai kekuatan fizikal dan sumber makanan yang baik....

Makanan rohani dan jasmani itulah yang akan membuat kita seperti yang ada sekarang ini...
rapuhkah dahan kita?

bolehkah orang lain berpaut pada dahan kita itu?

tumbang atau tercabutkah jika ada ribut datang melanda?

Itulah di antara persoalan yang perlu dijawab sendiri. Jika rimbun pohon itu membuatkan ramai orang boleh menumpang teduh, alangkah bagusnya perlindungan yang pernah kita berikan.
Jika apabila dilanda ribut, hanya ada beberapa ranting kecil yang patah dan daun yang gugur, kita masih boleh dikira sebagai kuat dan teguh. ini bermakna setiap kali ditimpa musibah kita masih tabah menghadapinya....

Janganlah lupa bahawa masih ramai orang yang kurang bernasib baik dari diri kita....

semuanya dengan izin Allah juga....

Monday, August 10, 2009


Beberapa episod lalu aku ada menulis pasal bahasa. Aku suka bab bahasa ni. Tak kira bahasa apa, janji ianya memberi aku ilmu yang baik. Bukan bahasa yang kurang ajar...

Tak ada siapa pun di dalam dunia ni yang suka kalau ada orang buat kurang ajar, baik dari segi pertuturan atau tingkah betul ke?...Kalau suka, memang orang itupun jenis yang kurang ajar....

Bahasa sains dan mathematik yang diilhamkan oleh DR M. Ianya menimbulkan suasana huru hara di dalam kelas di luar bandar. Aku pun dulu sekolah melayu...lepas tu ngaji sekolah orang putih...tapi aku rasa aku tidaklah kalut sangat. Jadi mengapa mesti belajar bahasa orang putih tu hanya untuk sains dan maths sahaja?

Aku rasa guru2 aku dulu sangat dedicated...ada kelas tambahan BI lepas waktu sekolah biasa, aku tak bayar 1 sen pun... dia tetap bagi ilmu...aku ingat kamus oxford menjadi teman baik, mesti sentiasa ada bersama, kalau terlupa bawak alamat menggelabah....setahun saja yang jadi macam tu....lepas tu bila telinga tu mendengar dalam BI, masuk dalam komputer di kepala pun dalam BI, keluar dari mulut pun dalam BI....tak ada masalah...sesekali menyemak ejaan di kamus tu biasala.....

Kemudian suasana berBI tu dah biasa....sehingga aku bekerja dan mula mendengar dalam BM pula, menyimpan dalam komputer di kepala dalam BM, menyebut dalam BM dan menulis dalam BM. Memang sedikit terganggu bab menyebut bahsa sains, ekonomi. Lucu pun ada dan kadang-kadang amat panjang....kerana untuk memberi maksud sehampir mungkin terpaksa menggabungkan 2 perkataan....seperti...suaikenal, angkubah, susutnilai dan macam-macam...

Aku rasa lega apabila PPSMI itu dimansuhkan. Cuma adalah beberapa orang yang rasa dia dah mahir dan tak mahu nak berubah?
Takutkah dengan cabaran?...

Friday, July 31, 2009

rasa sedih.....

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, aku seperti rasa terpinggir. Mungkin perasaan ku saja, tapi ianya amat mengesan dalam hati. Aku rindu padanya. Amat rindu...tapi dia seperti mahu mengelak dari aku. Itu yang buat aku kecewa dan sedih...
Aku cuba menggembirakan dirinya, tapi nampaknya aku tersisih...entahlah...
Mahu menangis aku di kala ini.....
amat sedih dan.....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Al-Aqsa Mosque Conspiracy !

the real al-Aqsa and the dome of rock

Al-Aqsa Mosque Conspiracy !

the real al-Aqsa and the dome of rock